Monday, 28 July 2014

Reasons Your Prospect Isn't Answering The Phone

Reasons Your Prospect Isn't Answering The Phone.

We've all had it, those of us in Network Marketing at least.

They've provided their details, You've made first contact and successfully explained your proposal be it an arranged time to provide further details, a follow up email or to send over your presentation for their viewing.  The time comes and nothing, so what has gone wrong?

Here's a few reasons why they make you feel like you're banging your head against a brick wall. Hopefully rather than deter you, they'll make you consider upping your game.

  • What you are proposing goes against everything they have ever learnt about earning an income.

  • You have failed to make them feel comfortable.

  • You haven't given them reason to pursue further.

  • You haven't listened and responded accordingly.

Those are just a few of the basics one needs to focus on. What you have to remember is that a good number of the leads that come in are from people who are randomly applying for anything and everything. Just two minutes before they saw your add, they could have been on Gumtree or  another site applying for employment there too.

Unless you are specifically targeting existing Network Marketers or Direct Sellers, then you are quite possibly communicating with somebody who doesn't have clue about the industry and it's benefits. They could be conditioned into traditional employment being their only option. You've got to break it to them gently, find out their problems, desires, needs and wants and whether they are prepared to be open minded about what you wish to propose.

In basics, you'll struggle every time if all you do is promise the earth if all they want is a garden. By all means supply the seeds but don't go rearranging the borders without consent.

If this resonates with your results at all then I hope it has given you some inspiration. Even the shyest among us has the strength within us when we truly believe in what we are doing. If you are truly providing something of value, learn to communicate it properly and do it justice.

Be helpful, be constructive but above all else be yourself.


Friday, 25 July 2014

Is Timing Truly Important?

Is timing truly important in what I do?

You've no need to tell me for I know what to do, urgency propels me so I want to show you.

I can't remember where I first heard that rhyme but it's meaning fits extremely well with what I'm about to explain.

Firstly, YES! timing is very important and I'd like you to stick around to find out why.

Wherever you look within network marketing you will see reference to timely launches, product releases and placement preferences but the sad thing is that these claims generally amount to little or nothing but disappointment creating further scepticism within an incredible industry.

I say incredible but most of you will know that there are far to many people struggling within what is in basics a fare and level industry. Why is often self inflicted whether lack of action,  belief or confidence but more often still is the forever increasing number of made up products for wealth.

Here's a video from Johnny who less subtly explains what I mean, he is talking more about our own product but makes several reference to the type of products I'm referring to.

What Johnny is speaking about involves obtaining paid for holidays which is the opportunity side of what we do, you can find out more on that else where on my blog.

So lets get back to timing  and what I'm getting at.

This is literally for anybody interested in being in the right place at the right time. Whether it's simply to gain increasing benefits for your holidaying experiences or you are actually looking for a secure, reliable and ethical secondary or full time income.

World Ventures is growing at an astonishing rate, currently in excess of 1,100 new members globally per day. Yes that does sound a rather large number but it also goes to reflect the fact that record growth has been achieved month on month for virtually two full years now.

Timing is important due to the binary enrolment system favoured by the company developers. In basics it provides rewards for any additional people that enrol below you. These are not necessarily people that you have introduced yourself  but those enrolled by those entering before you. I guess that can sound a bit complicated for those unfamiliar with binary reward systems but that is about as complicated as it gets. Simply put, forecasts predict growth of over 5 million members within the next few years based on data from existing results. At 1,100 per day and increasing, who can argue that it looks perfectly feasible.

Now I'm not going to tell you that you must jump on board and set sail the World Ventures way but if you have the slightest urge to be involved with a successful international company that can quite easily provide you with an income for life or guaranteed best value and prices on your holidaying agenda for as long as you care to imagine, I do suggest you do some thorough investigation to check the facts for yourself.

Here's a few links to get you started

Where it all began

Future experiences

Giving Back

It would be great to have you with us.


Tuesday, 22 July 2014

A Controversial View Of Network Marketing Training

Some of you might think I'm over stepping a line a bit here so before I go on I'll ask that you share any issues you may have in the comments below for discussion please.

To begin with I'm not about to slander anybody for providing value to their teams or anybody else for that matter. There is definitely a call for guidance in what works and what doesn't when it comes to marketing your chosen opportunity and I am certainly not going to suggest anybody refrain from seeking out what works. Providing value works.

What I am going to be emphasising is the over dependence that those struggling  in the networking industry have in the belief the answer will eventually jump out of that training and grab them. It seldom does.

I was as guilty as the next man at this so I'll do my best to explain.

Hopefully somewhere within your back office or equivalent area there will be detailed instruction on what those achieving success with your opportunity have done to obtain their results. It's standard practice if a company wants any kind of success to provide training so hopefully you've read or watched it all several times over. Still struggling?

On and off-line their are countless good books written by people highly successful within ours and other industries, Eric Worre, Matt Morris and Robert Kiyosaki to name but a few. If you haven't already read any of their material I suggest you go off and do so at your earliest convenience. Follow the leaders.

In truth, reading any of the top titles by those authors should give you all the understanding and information you need to go out and be successful at what you are doing, unlike any other industry network marketing is completely unbiased toward who results can come too but in truth, many who try still struggle. Questionable use of the word try.

What I basically want to say, and you can object with your excuses if you wish is that you simply aren't talking to enough people and those you are speaking to, you're not doing in the right manner. Self Interest.

In essence, if you've done any of the above and are still struggling it's not more training that you need, it's get-up-and-go. If you can't get excited about your product, find out why. Find something that excites you, something that you believe in and something that you know will benefit others. Don't look for quick fixes, get rich quick or this is easy opportunities. The people you recruit into these will want just that and when it doesn't happen or it's not easy, they will be gone or idle for as long as they like.... Wouldn't you?

What you need to do is get out there. Whether it's on or off-line and start providing service and value to your targeted market. Not continuous affiliated links that produce little to no interaction but answers to questions, fixes for (real)problems and the type of thing that your client would be looking for.  You've heard it all before haven't you? So what's stopping you?

What is probably stopping you is a lack of faith in the results that emerge. Some will call it fear of failure, some self doubt and others excuses.

If you are truly hoping for success in your network marketing opportunity, develop the attitude to achieve it. Stop being fearful of rejection, stop prejudging the results, stop procrastinating on calling, visiting, mentioning or doing what deep in side you you know you need to do.

What I love about the network marketing industry is the focus on self development. Many seem to think they are two different things but I believe one requires the other and not always in the order that most expect. I've heard it all to often said that I'll do it when I gain the confidence without thought to where that confidence is coming from.

Confidence doesn't come from knowing how to do something, that's understanding. That's why all of the training in the world often isn't enough. Confidence comes from within, whether it's through appraisal, self forgiveness or just getting the job done.

Go out there and be who you want to be without listening to the doubt inside, If you don't get it right, so what, you will feel the benefits of trying, you will feel worthy of reward for your actions, you will gain all of the confidence that you need and the training will all fall into place.

Network marketing is a social business, go out and be sociable. If your success it going to rely on consuming truck loads of training how do you expect your prospect to react to that. They want to see how natural and easily duplicable results can be obtained, we are not sales people, we are personal developers and our first subject is us. Go get your experience, ignore the naysayers, concentrate on positive outcomes and develop the understanding to keep going. The results will come.

I hope you've found that helpful and if you would like further help or advice please feel free to ask. If I can't provide the solution, I work with a selfless team of supporters who probably can.

Have a great day and an amazing future.


Monday, 21 July 2014

Scepticism About Network Marketing

If you've been involved with network marketing for any amount of time you'll no doubt have come across the sceptics.

On the other hand you may have come across this post because you are sceptical about network marketing and are looking to investigate what side of the coin is actually the right fit.

I think many of you would agree that if we could eradicate the words and knowledge of the understanding of the words pyramid and scam, there would be far fewer arguments. The thing is these words have stuck like glue to a industry that has evolved beyond most peoples recognition as a means to earning an income. I heard this morning that over 80 billion dollars is being paid out to participants within the network marketing industry every year. I don't know about you but that begs the question "How does this not work"?

Take my own story for example, no I'm not going to bore you with the whole thing but just going back twelve months and I was working for a relentless boss who had no concept of the words fair employment. Although our contracted hours were 7.30 until 4.30pm, most evenings it would be 6.30pm+ before our set tasks could be accomplished and the latest I actually finished was 11.15pm. That didn't include my 45 minute drive home either. That in my eye's was a scam. we had a written contract but unless we chose to ignore it and suit his wishes we would undoubtedly have lost our employ.

I had stuck that job many years and each year I would have to say to my daughter "Maybe Next" as I had promised her that we would all be going to Disney Florida as soon as I could afford it.

The Disney GangThanks to network marketing that employ is now far behind me and we are looking forward to Disney next year. Why not this you may ask? Priorities, my main was to gain freedom from my relentless employer and my second to stabilise our finances. Happily though and because of my chosen opportunity, when it becomes time to go I will be paying far less than I ever expected plus there's also the chance that I could even get paid for going. This post isn't about recruiting into what I'm doing so I'll not go any further with that.

Basically what I am saying though is that I felt backed into a corner. With the state of the economy I could see no exit from my employ so I plucked up the passion to work hard in what time I had and invest it in network marketing.

I'm not saying that all opportunities are equal, they are far from that but there are many that with the right attitude and discipline can and are serving the purpose their members participate for, to earn that additional income.

If scams and pyramids are your best argument against network marketing then take another look. You will find countless people just like you and me who have turned their lives around. Don't necessarily  take my word for it, go and ask others. In honesty the biggest disservice you are doing in remaining sceptical is to your self and the future of your loved ones.

Industries, choices and views change, do your self a favour and put your scepticism aside for the sake of self.

As always I am open to comment or objection, I would love to hear your views on network marketing either for or against. Please also feel free to share if you think I've provided value


Sunday, 13 July 2014

Tourism is Changing

Tourism is changing.

I guess a statement like that can cause rather a questionable response, it's not as if they can reproduce a Caribbean cruise in the freezing cold waters of the Antarctic and despite advancements in technology I can't imagine people enjoying virtual holidays in the same way as the real thing. What's actually changing is the availability to travel far more freely whilst receiving far better quality and value and all in all enjoying far better experiences for far less.

Today there is a solution to the time consuming and sometimes stressful searching and booking procedures we endure for the please of obtaining our sought after holidays. A way of removing the risk of scam and fraudulent reservations as reported last year,  A solution to affordability issues and removal of the worry associated when booking flights and hotels due to an extremely clever price monitoring system that ensures you always pay the lowest price no matter how many seat or room prices are lowered to fill vacancies.


Back in 2005, a company came into being that was set on introducing a lot more fun, freedom and fulfilment into the lives of everyday people. The vision was formed that stands to reinvent the travel and tourism industry as we know it and it is winning awards for doing so in the process. The company, World Ventures, and to date offering over 700 of their deeply discounted holiday experiences a year and continually growing.

In future posts I'll be covering more of the offerings and advantages of the World Ventures way, for those that wish to investigate further for themselves why not take a look at the World Ventures video presentations here. For those that have any questions please feel free to comment below or if you'd prefer a bit more privacy why not drop me an email.

My aim is to introduce you, not convince or persuade you. My own experiences with World Ventures have all been positive, unlike buying a new television and being pleased with the picture, what we have here can be life changing, I'm not the sort to keep something like that to myself.

To Greater Experiences
