Getting Started in Direct Selling - Working From Home
For those breaking into the world of additional incomes working from home, namely internet based sales and marketing, there are quite a few factors that could well be making you hesitant in your progression. On this basis I am going to try to put your fears at ease by pointing out some do's some don't's and some what to look for's. I hope you find this helpful.
Is Direct Selling A Legitimate Industry
When starting out and first mentioning what you are doing to your friends and family, the two most common questions you're likely get asked are "is it a scam or is it a pyramid scheme?" The simple answer to both of these is "NO."
The true fact is, is that the majority of people are looking for something to protect themselves from something they don't fully understand and ideally we are out to help them and not confront them.
Lets Start With Scams
What exactly is a scam? Respond to the question about it being a scam with "What exactly is a scam?" and half the battle is won. Most people will come back at you with a description of trickery and/or deception which would indicate that nobody but a select few will ever make any money from what you are doing. The chances are there are thousands of people who came before you that are already making a living just like you are hoping to do with your chosen opportunity. Grab some testimonials, the names and stories of those most like you, people that have already put their faith in what you are doing and are succeeding. Where does their scam argument take them now?
Pyramid Schemes.
Probably the most common reservation stopping anybody getting involved is the thought of what you are doing being part of a pyramid scheme. This still amuses me as it is another safety shield for lack of understanding. If you're going to tell them that, it may be a good idea to be careful how you put it. Nobody likes to be told they are insecure.
If you look at the model of Direct Selling you will generally see that the payment structure does indeed work on and look like an upside down funnel (a pyramid) but that's about as far as it goes. Pyramids, or the things they are generally referring to were actually outlawed years ago. Some start-ups may actually still try to implement something like this but they are generally soon governed out of existence. Simple take a look at any industry and there will be a few top dogs and an ever increasing number of people right the way down to the person at the bottom. Going back to the upside down funnel however, in Direct Selling there is far more chance for the little guy climbing all the way to the top.
Direct Selling As An Option
If your entry into the work from home industry has been through the Direct Selling Industry then you're onto as secure a path as any. As sales and marketing of virtually any companies goods will show, online sales are on a steady increase month after month. What makes Direct Selling so different is that the company is relying on the work of the individual in order to advertise and retail their wares.
I'm not indicating that you're in for an easy ride though as part of what you are going to come up against is covered in the content above but you're going to have other issues to deal with and one of the most common to overcome is you. I'll be covering that in a future blog post.
As with many of the methods of generating an income online you are going to be up against an ever increasing number of people trying to do the same thing, this should by no means put you off though. There are more than enough people marketing their opportunity without a real clue in what they are doing. Sadly, many of these simply aren't prepared to listen to advice given to them. This is where you can side step a lot of the hurdles if you like and start off by getting it right first time around.
For those of you eager to get it right but wonder if you could be doing better with the right kind of guidance, feel free to get in touch and we can discuss your choices.
PS- Feel free to connect on G+ and I can hook you up to some great free training.
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