Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Network Marketing Is Amok With Misguidance

Network Marketing Is Amok With Misguidance Probably Causing The 97%

Something that I like to do when approached to join someone else's networking opportunity is to ask them about their marketing strategies and how they are working out.

For me it's a foregone conclusion that if somebody introduces themselves with a direct link to their opportunity then their marketing is going to be somewhat flawed.

Sadly, the majority of the time my instincts are further reinforced by the sheer fact that my not jumping for joy at their introduction causes no further contact. I bet there's a few of you who will be familiar with what I mean there.

Add to this a quick look at what they are proposing is a great opportunity and it's easy to see why they will be jumping onto the next exciting launch that comes along. So what is it that causes so many to continually follow these poor tactics in the bid of making the big time?

For me it is the hype and misguidance provided by what ever opportunity they have chosen to follow. Sometimes it's a miraculous berry laid undiscovered except for the solitary tribe of natives who are living to 250 years of age by refining it's extracts, combining them with the oils of a fruit seen only once every 11 years and adding it to their regular diets. Oh, and they sold the licence to wrinkleberrygone.com for the sole purpose of retail via direct selling.


It's the free to enter matrix where no monetary input is required in order to receive an income from recruiting other non paying members who all try desperately to market some low level strategic training material that the quality of which can be found freely anywhere you look online . OK, maybe not gardeners world or something like that.

My point is, these people come online to find solutions to their problems. For many it is monetary problems and having little to play with they become susceptible to offers that announce easy gain with little input or commitment.

Truth be known, network marketing can be really tough going for the newbie and with offers of easy money who wouldn't go for the easy option.

It needn't be hard though. With a little forward thinking, seeking out those that provide freely and taking a few  weeks out prior to jumping in, a typical newbie could come into the industry fully able to get it right first time. My personal opinion is that if more people took to learning before earning then the estimated 97% would soon drop to at least 79% or much lower. Why, because we would have a better class of marketers teaching the new newbies.

The punch line is, and yes it's a crafty one. I work with a team who are prepared to provide just such training at no charge. Why? because we're confident you will like what we do and we hope you'd choose to join us. If not, then you are free to go off and make your fortune your way but at least we're changing the percentage of failures.

Out of nothing and Know-how a way was made


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