What amazing weather. OK, it’s far from tropical or shorts and tee shirt outside but it’s definitely warm enough to sit and enjoy a few pages of a good book and a cup of coffee in the garden this morning.
That’s actually what I was doing when I came up with the subject of today’s blog so without further ado.
If you are anything like me you’ll have a selection of self help and/or personal development books helping to fill a shelf somewhere at home. You might even have read most of them and have book marks in the pages of those you never finished.
Something I noticed all have in common was that they never fully fulfilled the intent. What I mean by that is that although for the main part enjoyable to read and often somewhat motivational, each one I read left me actively prepared to purchase another. I'm not saying that each hasn't provided its own certain insight or instruction that allowed me to progress but nothing that by itself provided full detailed instruction.
If that is something you can also relate to you might like to check out a recently released book by well known mentor and marketer Brendon Burchard . His book, totally unrelated to any business we both share is called The Motivational Manifesto and takes you further into self realisation and development than any I have ever come across.
If you follow the link you will notice that he also provides a 12 week video series to accompany his book, you get free access along with the book that is also free but he does ask that you cover the postage. In my honest opinion I have never felt myself dig so deeply into my own thoughts and actions as this series has made me do and although I thought what I had learnt from everything else I had studied this covers brand new boundaries that I never considered existed. As an idea of how new his book is we’re only on week six of his series.
That’s it for today, it occurred to me that this could be the ideal share to help with those New Years Resolutions. It’s not something that I am affiliated to or anything, just another step in providing solutions for forward thinkers and those with desires of higher incomes.
Do something each day that will make a difference.
Motivational Manifesto could be just what you are looking for to help somebody you know, friend or family. Please feel free to share this post openly and unselfishly to help as many people as possible.
Attempting to Raise Peoples Expectations from Life... Keith Worboys UK+44(0)7872 908922
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Friday, 7 November 2014
What Is Networking?
What is Networking?
Hi All,
No, I'm not asking. I'm actually going to try to set the record straight for a few of you.
It's a common understanding that things usually seem to happen in clusters, similar to where buses often don't come until two or three turn up at once. Not such a familiar sight now as it used to be but definitely a good example.
I'm not a prolific user of social media for building my home based business and I'm not suggesting it doesn't work either. I know many successful people who do use and benefit from it but what I am suggesting though is that a lot of people don't understand networking, how to benefit from it and what it entails.
Some might ask what there is to understand, I've had that come up quite a few times, others though are quite happy to have it explained to them.
I attend various networking meetings and it was at a breakfast one this morning that one of our guests asked what the 5 key features of networking are?
Happily, I was able to sit back and enjoy Victors response. Victor is a man I respect highly, I've admired him right from my very first encounter. He's a jovial type of person, strong charactered, definitely confident in his abilities and always prepared to offer a helping hand or advice.. He went on to explain how a lot of people get networking wrong and provided sensible steps to ensuring reaching ones target market.
It was strange, like the buses I mentioned earlier because it was only the night before that I had a very similar conversation with my own business partner. We had been discussing the struggles suffered by many working within the home based business industry and how so many of them don't network at all. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting they aren't using social media to project their opportunities, that I'm afraid is exactly what they are doing which is why they are suffering in the first place.
For those of you struggling with social media who were drawn to the heading 'What is Networking?', maybe you should take something from my mentioning projecting your opportunity.
Networking is about meeting, greeting and conversing with people. It's as much about the other person as it is about what you want out of it, even more so in fact. Like me, you've probably lost count of the amount of people that message you online inviting you to join them in their opportunity only to disappear into the distance as soon as they know you are not interested. For me it's a wonder they ever expected any interest, how many of you take a wide birth from those obviously promoting something in the high street?
Networking done properly can produce results. Obviously its going to be product or service dependant, somebody offering equine services isn't likely to attract as many customers/clients in a built up city as a locksmith but then in a rural area results are likely to be reversed. That said though, the locksmith could well have family or friends who require specialised veterinary assistance and that is where networking properly begins to pay off.
Hopefully I've provided you something to think about, projecting your product or services into the private space of others uninvited isn't networking. It is as more likely to produce resentment than anything else and for want of a less offensive name it can only describe it as spam.
I'd be great to hear your thoughts, especially your stories of humorous replies you've sent in response to spam.
To your success
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Personal Stories, Dream Trippers #1
Hi all,
People love to hear stories, as a child I remember sitting transfixed on Jackanory, a story telling TV programme from times gone past, today I find my pleasure in reading or listening to books both physical and audio.
Stories have captured our imaginations since childhood whether hearing them or creating our own and that's why I've decided to share with you some of the stories of our own Dream Trips members so that you may get lost for the moment as if they were your own. They could well be one day.
Every single day there are Dream Trips members doing something somewhere that they most likely never imagined they would be doing. Whether swimming with dolphins, abseiling the rocky mountains or playing rounds of golf on the grandest courses on the planet.
Today you get to hear the story of John and Andrea Walen, DreamTrips members for around five years and coming up to their 70th trip made possible because of what DreamTrips has to offer.
Imagine having the freedom to pack your cases and just go to any place any time you please. What would that feel like? Hard to imagine for many I bet.
It's not a fantasy though, the story of how to achieve it is as real as the stories it creates. You might think that to gain all of this is expensive but you would be wrong. Many of our DreamTrippers lifestyles started simply by changing where they book. Just one trip as a member allowed them the peace of mind to invite others who in turn invite others who in turn invite others.
DreamTrips was literally created to change the lives of those that believed in it. Most people will go through their lives hoping and sometimes praying that things will turn around for them, others go ahead and turn things around for themselves.
Come and Join Us
People love to hear stories, as a child I remember sitting transfixed on Jackanory, a story telling TV programme from times gone past, today I find my pleasure in reading or listening to books both physical and audio.
Stories have captured our imaginations since childhood whether hearing them or creating our own and that's why I've decided to share with you some of the stories of our own Dream Trips members so that you may get lost for the moment as if they were your own. They could well be one day.
Every single day there are Dream Trips members doing something somewhere that they most likely never imagined they would be doing. Whether swimming with dolphins, abseiling the rocky mountains or playing rounds of golf on the grandest courses on the planet.
Today you get to hear the story of John and Andrea Walen, DreamTrips members for around five years and coming up to their 70th trip made possible because of what DreamTrips has to offer.
Imagine having the freedom to pack your cases and just go to any place any time you please. What would that feel like? Hard to imagine for many I bet.
It's not a fantasy though, the story of how to achieve it is as real as the stories it creates. You might think that to gain all of this is expensive but you would be wrong. Many of our DreamTrippers lifestyles started simply by changing where they book. Just one trip as a member allowed them the peace of mind to invite others who in turn invite others who in turn invite others.
DreamTrips was literally created to change the lives of those that believed in it. Most people will go through their lives hoping and sometimes praying that things will turn around for them, others go ahead and turn things around for themselves.
Come and Join Us
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Swimming With Great Whites
Swimming With Great Whites
For some it might seem like the most frightening thing in the world suspended under the ocean surface by little more than a thread, treading water to keep your feet off the bottom of a cage we've all seen the likes of Jaws (great movie from days gone past for you younger readers) open like a tin of tuna.
For others it would be a dream come true. Adrenalin pumping, senses tingling and jaw dropping excitement hoping with every drop of hope that wide open mouthed and at full throttle, great whitey will charge toward them whilst they ready to snap the perfect picture.
And for the rest, just to be travelling side by side with one of the most loved creatures that surfs the seas only feet away would be as magical an experience as any.
Just one of the hundreds of holiday experiences DreamTrips members get paid to enjoy.
What are your dreams made up of? Please feel free to share your travel for the future plans below
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Rules of Engagement - The How Not To Approach
Rules of Engagement
Everybody wants to be the best marketer but nobody wants to listen.
There's actually two meanings in that sentence and I'm not sure many will get it right away.
A couple of days ago I accepted an invitation to connect on LinkedIn. I don't know about you but I'm at the stage where I won't connect with just anybody. Some of you might still be working toward what is believed to be the magic 500 and if so, fair game to you. One thing I will suggest though is that once you're there and the numbers continue increasing, counter measure for a bit by getting rid of some of the dead wood connections you made along the way.
Anyhow, this connection came via the standard unedited pre-written intro that LinkedIn uses. Not ideal, but something one has to get used to due to their mobile app not providing the editing of, and mobile often being the device of choice nowadays.
Before accepting I will generally head over to investigate the invitees LinkedIn profile and on this occasion there was a fairly well written list of services provided by Bob (just a sample name I chose to use instead) and his associates all working within the financial sector.
Looking all above board and genuine I wondered if this individual was actually showing an interest in my own offerings or simply wanted to exchange a few words where we may have been able to work out how best to support and benefit each other. That after-all is what networking is about is it not? I accepted and decided to wait for Bobs introduction.
It wasn't long before Bob got in touch and what a nice line he used:- "Hello Keith,
Good to connect with you as a local successful business person. " Nice don't you think?
Then the next line:- "If you could spare 5 minutes sometime I would love to introduce myself to you face to face and take control of your finances." Rather a let down don't you agree?
His was not a lengthy message but apart from that single first sentence the whole message was based on him, what he does and wanting to meet up. No mention of his company name, no interest in anything me and no conversation what so ever.
My initial response was to point out the error of his ways as far as I was concerned, however, I decided to play it differently. My reply was one stating that the services he offered were already being provided (truthfully) by a friend in the same industry so I thought it only polite to decline. Knowing my services are something that could definitely benefit him, I did finish my reply asking if he would like further details on what I do assuming he had viewed my profile.
Today I received his reply acknowledging and congratulating me on looking after my finances correctly and then going on to indicate how, for my own well-being, he and his partners should not fail to be considered. Oh, and also to keep his details safe for when needed????
Now back to those two meanings at the start of my post.
#1 I'm pretty sure you can recognise that there was no listening on Bobs part. If you want to find out if your product is a fit for your client, you have to listen for their needs or requirements. Constant reference to your own services simply provides your client with points to raise objection towards.
#2 Somebody may get your attention by shouting at you but does it make you inclined to listen? All Bob did was to push his services on me, I might well have heard his message but I can assure you that I was not listening.
That's probably not the most interesting example you've heard on how not to handle approaching new clients but it is a regular mistake I see network marketers making. If you are using similar tactics, maybe this will help you recognise why few are taking you up on your offer.
If you have received any level of value from this post please feel free to comment or share, it could well help the next person equally.
Everybody wants to be the best marketer but nobody wants to listen.
There's actually two meanings in that sentence and I'm not sure many will get it right away.
A couple of days ago I accepted an invitation to connect on LinkedIn. I don't know about you but I'm at the stage where I won't connect with just anybody. Some of you might still be working toward what is believed to be the magic 500 and if so, fair game to you. One thing I will suggest though is that once you're there and the numbers continue increasing, counter measure for a bit by getting rid of some of the dead wood connections you made along the way.
Anyhow, this connection came via the standard unedited pre-written intro that LinkedIn uses. Not ideal, but something one has to get used to due to their mobile app not providing the editing of, and mobile often being the device of choice nowadays.
Looking all above board and genuine I wondered if this individual was actually showing an interest in my own offerings or simply wanted to exchange a few words where we may have been able to work out how best to support and benefit each other. That after-all is what networking is about is it not? I accepted and decided to wait for Bobs introduction.
It wasn't long before Bob got in touch and what a nice line he used:- "Hello Keith,
Good to connect with you as a local successful business person. " Nice don't you think?
Then the next line:- "If you could spare 5 minutes sometime I would love to introduce myself to you face to face and take control of your finances." Rather a let down don't you agree?
His was not a lengthy message but apart from that single first sentence the whole message was based on him, what he does and wanting to meet up. No mention of his company name, no interest in anything me and no conversation what so ever.
My initial response was to point out the error of his ways as far as I was concerned, however, I decided to play it differently. My reply was one stating that the services he offered were already being provided (truthfully) by a friend in the same industry so I thought it only polite to decline. Knowing my services are something that could definitely benefit him, I did finish my reply asking if he would like further details on what I do assuming he had viewed my profile.
Today I received his reply acknowledging and congratulating me on looking after my finances correctly and then going on to indicate how, for my own well-being, he and his partners should not fail to be considered. Oh, and also to keep his details safe for when needed????
Now back to those two meanings at the start of my post.
#1 I'm pretty sure you can recognise that there was no listening on Bobs part. If you want to find out if your product is a fit for your client, you have to listen for their needs or requirements. Constant reference to your own services simply provides your client with points to raise objection towards.
#2 Somebody may get your attention by shouting at you but does it make you inclined to listen? All Bob did was to push his services on me, I might well have heard his message but I can assure you that I was not listening.
That's probably not the most interesting example you've heard on how not to handle approaching new clients but it is a regular mistake I see network marketers making. If you are using similar tactics, maybe this will help you recognise why few are taking you up on your offer.
If you have received any level of value from this post please feel free to comment or share, it could well help the next person equally.
Sunday, 31 August 2014
An Unexpected Honeymoon Horror
An Unexpected Honeymoon Horror
If there is any single type of holiday that deserves more thought and organisation than any other, I think most of you would agree that honeymoons at the start of a happily newly married couples lifetime together should get top spot.
I am about to share with you a recent experience that literally took my breath away because of the reaction it attracted, however in hindsight it could merely have been my approach that rocked the boat.
For those that are not aware I am a representative of a global discount holiday club allowing it's member amongst other benefits, guaranteed best price on all travel and holiday experiences through an incredibly affordable savings plan. More details on request.
With that in mind, you can imagine that my chosen product line is very much end user friendly and with that also in mind you would think others would jump at the chance to explore how to add it to their own offerings.
Well, I recently approached a wedding organiser that obtains commissions for referring her clients to holiday companies who then go on to organise the happy couples honeymoons and the response was astounding.
My proposal was to explain how they could help save future happy couples hundreds if not thousands off of their honeymoon expenses.
If the lady owner of the company had broke for wind, I could have explained how this would result in a far greater income for her but sadly though, she was furious at the thought of lower prices meaning lower commissions and literally declared that she would much rather her clients pay more for their poxy glorified holidays.
Her disgust was so that I literally struggled getting a word in edgeways so I basically made a polite retreat and ended the phone call.
Hopefully your shock at her apparent focus on GAIN rather than the quality or authenticity of my proposal for her clients will be on line with mine. Its not that I am sorry not to have introduced somebody else to my business but the sheer lack of care or interest at providing better for her clients that horrified me.
Now, I'm not going to criticise this lady any further because there is a good chance the blame of her reaction was in my own approach.
When marketing your business it is wise to try to determine where your contact is in relation to their own operations. On this occasion and due to the fact that it was she that phoned me due to my previously leaving a message with her receptionist, I was part way distracted by what I was doing when my phone rang and on request, led right in with my proposal.
In hindsight there is the possibility that her business is barely making profit, maybe it is simply a case of surviving one customer to the next. This is an extreme example and one I seriously doubt is anywhere near the truth but it does open up to a whole new approach that I intend to go back and put to her.
I'm not expecting to rescue what is probably an already written off option for her to entertain but I am going to go back and approach her with the question as to whether if I had led with the focus on increasing her turnover with minimal actual cost to her to see if that would have gotten me further.
There is a good chance that what transpired is a common but typical case of leading without listening. Something notable from many a good sales guide yet regularly and generally ignored through lack of understanding. I admit to going in without initially investigating the needs or desires of my potential client, the result of which left me horrified. In all honesty the blame may lay entirely on my shoulders for forgetting a simple but important step. Tomorrow will tell.
Thankfully this isn't one of my typical experiences but I can see how many of those struggling within the industry could well be dealing with a continuous flow of objections based simply on not listening first. Ask questions, get a feel for whether your product could fit into what they are looking for and make your move accordingly.
Even an objection free rejection can seem a triumph during the long haul. I hope that's give you something to think about during your next bout of calls,
Good luck and may your hard work be handsomely rewarded
If there is any single type of holiday that deserves more thought and organisation than any other, I think most of you would agree that honeymoons at the start of a happily newly married couples lifetime together should get top spot.
I am about to share with you a recent experience that literally took my breath away because of the reaction it attracted, however in hindsight it could merely have been my approach that rocked the boat.
With that in mind, you can imagine that my chosen product line is very much end user friendly and with that also in mind you would think others would jump at the chance to explore how to add it to their own offerings.
Well, I recently approached a wedding organiser that obtains commissions for referring her clients to holiday companies who then go on to organise the happy couples honeymoons and the response was astounding.
My proposal was to explain how they could help save future happy couples hundreds if not thousands off of their honeymoon expenses.
If the lady owner of the company had broke for wind, I could have explained how this would result in a far greater income for her but sadly though, she was furious at the thought of lower prices meaning lower commissions and literally declared that she would much rather her clients pay more for their poxy glorified holidays.
Her disgust was so that I literally struggled getting a word in edgeways so I basically made a polite retreat and ended the phone call.
Hopefully your shock at her apparent focus on GAIN rather than the quality or authenticity of my proposal for her clients will be on line with mine. Its not that I am sorry not to have introduced somebody else to my business but the sheer lack of care or interest at providing better for her clients that horrified me.
Now, I'm not going to criticise this lady any further because there is a good chance the blame of her reaction was in my own approach.
When marketing your business it is wise to try to determine where your contact is in relation to their own operations. On this occasion and due to the fact that it was she that phoned me due to my previously leaving a message with her receptionist, I was part way distracted by what I was doing when my phone rang and on request, led right in with my proposal.
In hindsight there is the possibility that her business is barely making profit, maybe it is simply a case of surviving one customer to the next. This is an extreme example and one I seriously doubt is anywhere near the truth but it does open up to a whole new approach that I intend to go back and put to her.
I'm not expecting to rescue what is probably an already written off option for her to entertain but I am going to go back and approach her with the question as to whether if I had led with the focus on increasing her turnover with minimal actual cost to her to see if that would have gotten me further.
There is a good chance that what transpired is a common but typical case of leading without listening. Something notable from many a good sales guide yet regularly and generally ignored through lack of understanding. I admit to going in without initially investigating the needs or desires of my potential client, the result of which left me horrified. In all honesty the blame may lay entirely on my shoulders for forgetting a simple but important step. Tomorrow will tell.
Thankfully this isn't one of my typical experiences but I can see how many of those struggling within the industry could well be dealing with a continuous flow of objections based simply on not listening first. Ask questions, get a feel for whether your product could fit into what they are looking for and make your move accordingly.
Even an objection free rejection can seem a triumph during the long haul. I hope that's give you something to think about during your next bout of calls,
Good luck and may your hard work be handsomely rewarded
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Network Marketing Is Amok With Misguidance
Network Marketing Is Amok With Misguidance Probably Causing The 97%
Something that I like to do when approached to join someone else's networking opportunity is to ask them about their marketing strategies and how they are working out.
For me it's a foregone conclusion that if somebody introduces themselves with a direct link to their opportunity then their marketing is going to be somewhat flawed.
Sadly, the majority of the time my instincts are further reinforced by the sheer fact that my not jumping for joy at their introduction causes no further contact. I bet there's a few of you who will be familiar with what I mean there.
Add to this a quick look at what they are proposing is a great opportunity and it's easy to see why they will be jumping onto the next exciting launch that comes along. So what is it that causes so many to continually follow these poor tactics in the bid of making the big time?
For me it is the hype and misguidance provided by what ever opportunity they have chosen to follow. Sometimes it's a miraculous berry laid undiscovered except for the solitary tribe of natives who are living to 250 years of age by refining it's extracts, combining them with the oils of a fruit seen only once every 11 years and adding it to their regular diets. Oh, and they sold the licence to wrinkleberrygone.com for the sole purpose of retail via direct selling.
It's the free to enter matrix where no monetary input is required in order to receive an income from recruiting other non paying members who all try desperately to market some low level strategic training material that the quality of which can be found freely anywhere you look online . OK, maybe not gardeners world or something like that.
My point is, these people come online to find solutions to their problems. For many it is monetary problems and having little to play with they become susceptible to offers that announce easy gain with little input or commitment.
Truth be known, network marketing can be really tough going for the newbie and with offers of easy money who wouldn't go for the easy option.
It needn't be hard though. With a little forward thinking, seeking out those that provide freely and taking a few weeks out prior to jumping in, a typical newbie could come into the industry fully able to get it right first time. My personal opinion is that if more people took to learning before earning then the estimated 97% would soon drop to at least 79% or much lower. Why, because we would have a better class of marketers teaching the new newbies.
The punch line is, and yes it's a crafty one. I work with a team who are prepared to provide just such training at no charge. Why? because we're confident you will like what we do and we hope you'd choose to join us. If not, then you are free to go off and make your fortune your way but at least we're changing the percentage of failures.
Out of nothing and Know-how a way was made
Something that I like to do when approached to join someone else's networking opportunity is to ask them about their marketing strategies and how they are working out.
For me it's a foregone conclusion that if somebody introduces themselves with a direct link to their opportunity then their marketing is going to be somewhat flawed.
Sadly, the majority of the time my instincts are further reinforced by the sheer fact that my not jumping for joy at their introduction causes no further contact. I bet there's a few of you who will be familiar with what I mean there.
Add to this a quick look at what they are proposing is a great opportunity and it's easy to see why they will be jumping onto the next exciting launch that comes along. So what is it that causes so many to continually follow these poor tactics in the bid of making the big time?
For me it is the hype and misguidance provided by what ever opportunity they have chosen to follow. Sometimes it's a miraculous berry laid undiscovered except for the solitary tribe of natives who are living to 250 years of age by refining it's extracts, combining them with the oils of a fruit seen only once every 11 years and adding it to their regular diets. Oh, and they sold the licence to wrinkleberrygone.com for the sole purpose of retail via direct selling.
It's the free to enter matrix where no monetary input is required in order to receive an income from recruiting other non paying members who all try desperately to market some low level strategic training material that the quality of which can be found freely anywhere you look online . OK, maybe not gardeners world or something like that.
My point is, these people come online to find solutions to their problems. For many it is monetary problems and having little to play with they become susceptible to offers that announce easy gain with little input or commitment.
Truth be known, network marketing can be really tough going for the newbie and with offers of easy money who wouldn't go for the easy option.
It needn't be hard though. With a little forward thinking, seeking out those that provide freely and taking a few weeks out prior to jumping in, a typical newbie could come into the industry fully able to get it right first time. My personal opinion is that if more people took to learning before earning then the estimated 97% would soon drop to at least 79% or much lower. Why, because we would have a better class of marketers teaching the new newbies.
The punch line is, and yes it's a crafty one. I work with a team who are prepared to provide just such training at no charge. Why? because we're confident you will like what we do and we hope you'd choose to join us. If not, then you are free to go off and make your fortune your way but at least we're changing the percentage of failures.
Out of nothing and Know-how a way was made
Sunday, 3 August 2014
The Sign of Freedom - Network Marketing
The Sign of Freedom in Network Marketing
For those pinning their hopes on making some level of income or even a living via the internet and Network Marketing there are several free to enter opportunities to get involved with, but despite the sometimes irresistible offers of near instant rewards of income and supposedly ease of earning potential, are they simply playing with peoples desires and emotions or is there actually a long term future without actually parting with your hard earned cash or trying to retail hard to market products.
Approached correctly Network Marketing can and does produce the best retirement income on the planet, it does allow ordinary people to become financially stable and with the correct attitude, guidance and ambition can and has produced many many millionaires. Sadly though, through it's own openness to all nature, it has also allowed far to many false hope opportunities to cause dream damaging scepticism to enter the hearts of many.
Unlike many of the free to enter opportunities where at some stage you'll most likely be asked to upgrade, purchase products or be required to retail some of little value, this little medallion on the left represents total freedom within the network marketing industry.
Total freedom within Network Marketing means zero payments, no monthly auto-ship, minimum orders or subscriptions to hosted websites. It means you've not only got no payment to make, it means you actually own your share of the company giving you marketing and earning potential for life. Almost sounds to good to be true doesn't it.
The downside is that it can't be obtained for nothing, however anything of true value rarely can. It comes down to the question of how much somebody wants to be part of something amazing and how much they are prepared to commit.
On initial viewing the sheer potential of what's on offer probably won't jump out at you, you will most likely be expecting some alternative or hidden plan, but World Ventures is a spark of new life within the Network Marketing industry, a company based on creating more fun and freedom and providing an enjoyable and rewarding way of obtaining it too.
I can't express the value of what's available and do it justice via this blog post but I can assure you that if you are looking for freedom within Network Marketing we have literally every tool you need, we will show you how to use and enjoy them and help you every step of the way. Free to enter may seem appealing but we definitely have a better way.
As with any Networking opportunity I wouldn't expect you to jump right in so I'm open to Questions and answers to help guide you as to what to expect.
Live and prosper
For those pinning their hopes on making some level of income or even a living via the internet and Network Marketing there are several free to enter opportunities to get involved with, but despite the sometimes irresistible offers of near instant rewards of income and supposedly ease of earning potential, are they simply playing with peoples desires and emotions or is there actually a long term future without actually parting with your hard earned cash or trying to retail hard to market products.
Approached correctly Network Marketing can and does produce the best retirement income on the planet, it does allow ordinary people to become financially stable and with the correct attitude, guidance and ambition can and has produced many many millionaires. Sadly though, through it's own openness to all nature, it has also allowed far to many false hope opportunities to cause dream damaging scepticism to enter the hearts of many.
Total freedom within Network Marketing means zero payments, no monthly auto-ship, minimum orders or subscriptions to hosted websites. It means you've not only got no payment to make, it means you actually own your share of the company giving you marketing and earning potential for life. Almost sounds to good to be true doesn't it.
The downside is that it can't be obtained for nothing, however anything of true value rarely can. It comes down to the question of how much somebody wants to be part of something amazing and how much they are prepared to commit.
On initial viewing the sheer potential of what's on offer probably won't jump out at you, you will most likely be expecting some alternative or hidden plan, but World Ventures is a spark of new life within the Network Marketing industry, a company based on creating more fun and freedom and providing an enjoyable and rewarding way of obtaining it too.
I can't express the value of what's available and do it justice via this blog post but I can assure you that if you are looking for freedom within Network Marketing we have literally every tool you need, we will show you how to use and enjoy them and help you every step of the way. Free to enter may seem appealing but we definitely have a better way.
As with any Networking opportunity I wouldn't expect you to jump right in so I'm open to Questions and answers to help guide you as to what to expect.
Live and prosper
Monday, 28 July 2014
Reasons Your Prospect Isn't Answering The Phone
Reasons Your Prospect Isn't Answering The Phone.
We've all had it, those of us in Network Marketing at least.
They've provided their details, You've made first contact and successfully explained your proposal be it an arranged time to provide further details, a follow up email or to send over your presentation for their viewing. The time comes and nothing, so what has gone wrong?
Here's a few reasons why they make you feel like you're banging your head against a brick wall. Hopefully rather than deter you, they'll make you consider upping your game.
Those are just a few of the basics one needs to focus on. What you have to remember is that a good number of the leads that come in are from people who are randomly applying for anything and everything. Just two minutes before they saw your add, they could have been on Gumtree or another site applying for employment there too.
Unless you are specifically targeting existing Network Marketers or Direct Sellers, then you are quite possibly communicating with somebody who doesn't have clue about the industry and it's benefits. They could be conditioned into traditional employment being their only option. You've got to break it to them gently, find out their problems, desires, needs and wants and whether they are prepared to be open minded about what you wish to propose.
In basics, you'll struggle every time if all you do is promise the earth if all they want is a garden. By all means supply the seeds but don't go rearranging the borders without consent.
If this resonates with your results at all then I hope it has given you some inspiration. Even the shyest among us has the strength within us when we truly believe in what we are doing. If you are truly providing something of value, learn to communicate it properly and do it justice.
Be helpful, be constructive but above all else be yourself.
We've all had it, those of us in Network Marketing at least.
They've provided their details, You've made first contact and successfully explained your proposal be it an arranged time to provide further details, a follow up email or to send over your presentation for their viewing. The time comes and nothing, so what has gone wrong?
Here's a few reasons why they make you feel like you're banging your head against a brick wall. Hopefully rather than deter you, they'll make you consider upping your game.
- What you are proposing goes against everything they have ever learnt about earning an income.
- You have failed to make them feel comfortable.
- You haven't given them reason to pursue further.
- You haven't listened and responded accordingly.
Those are just a few of the basics one needs to focus on. What you have to remember is that a good number of the leads that come in are from people who are randomly applying for anything and everything. Just two minutes before they saw your add, they could have been on Gumtree or another site applying for employment there too.
Unless you are specifically targeting existing Network Marketers or Direct Sellers, then you are quite possibly communicating with somebody who doesn't have clue about the industry and it's benefits. They could be conditioned into traditional employment being their only option. You've got to break it to them gently, find out their problems, desires, needs and wants and whether they are prepared to be open minded about what you wish to propose.
In basics, you'll struggle every time if all you do is promise the earth if all they want is a garden. By all means supply the seeds but don't go rearranging the borders without consent.
If this resonates with your results at all then I hope it has given you some inspiration. Even the shyest among us has the strength within us when we truly believe in what we are doing. If you are truly providing something of value, learn to communicate it properly and do it justice.
Be helpful, be constructive but above all else be yourself.
Friday, 25 July 2014
Is Timing Truly Important?
Is timing truly important in what I do?
You've no need to tell me for I know what to do, urgency propels me so I want to show you.
I can't remember where I first heard that rhyme but it's meaning fits extremely well with what I'm about to explain.
Firstly, YES! timing is very important and I'd like you to stick around to find out why.
Wherever you look within network marketing you will see reference to timely launches, product releases and placement preferences but the sad thing is that these claims generally amount to little or nothing but disappointment creating further scepticism within an incredible industry.
I say incredible but most of you will know that there are far to many people struggling within what is in basics a fare and level industry. Why is often self inflicted whether lack of action, belief or confidence but more often still is the forever increasing number of made up products for wealth.
Here's a video from Johnny who less subtly explains what I mean, he is talking more about our own product but makes several reference to the type of products I'm referring to.
What Johnny is speaking about involves obtaining paid for holidays which is the opportunity side of what we do, you can find out more on that else where on my blog.
So lets get back to timing and what I'm getting at.
This is literally for anybody interested in being in the right place at the right time. Whether it's simply to gain increasing benefits for your holidaying experiences or you are actually looking for a secure, reliable and ethical secondary or full time income.
World Ventures is growing at an astonishing rate, currently in excess of 1,100 new members globally per day. Yes that does sound a rather large number but it also goes to reflect the fact that record growth has been achieved month on month for virtually two full years now.
Timing is important due to the binary enrolment system favoured by the company developers. In basics it provides rewards for any additional people that enrol below you. These are not necessarily people that you have introduced yourself but those enrolled by those entering before you. I guess that can sound a bit complicated for those unfamiliar with binary reward systems but that is about as complicated as it gets. Simply put, forecasts predict growth of over 5 million members within the next few years based on data from existing results. At 1,100 per day and increasing, who can argue that it looks perfectly feasible.
Now I'm not going to tell you that you must jump on board and set sail the World Ventures way but if you have the slightest urge to be involved with a successful international company that can quite easily provide you with an income for life or guaranteed best value and prices on your holidaying agenda for as long as you care to imagine, I do suggest you do some thorough investigation to check the facts for yourself.
Here's a few links to get you started
Where it all began
Future experiences
Giving Back
It would be great to have you with us.
You've no need to tell me for I know what to do, urgency propels me so I want to show you.
I can't remember where I first heard that rhyme but it's meaning fits extremely well with what I'm about to explain.
Firstly, YES! timing is very important and I'd like you to stick around to find out why.
Wherever you look within network marketing you will see reference to timely launches, product releases and placement preferences but the sad thing is that these claims generally amount to little or nothing but disappointment creating further scepticism within an incredible industry.
I say incredible but most of you will know that there are far to many people struggling within what is in basics a fare and level industry. Why is often self inflicted whether lack of action, belief or confidence but more often still is the forever increasing number of made up products for wealth.
Here's a video from Johnny who less subtly explains what I mean, he is talking more about our own product but makes several reference to the type of products I'm referring to.
What Johnny is speaking about involves obtaining paid for holidays which is the opportunity side of what we do, you can find out more on that else where on my blog.
So lets get back to timing and what I'm getting at.
This is literally for anybody interested in being in the right place at the right time. Whether it's simply to gain increasing benefits for your holidaying experiences or you are actually looking for a secure, reliable and ethical secondary or full time income.
World Ventures is growing at an astonishing rate, currently in excess of 1,100 new members globally per day. Yes that does sound a rather large number but it also goes to reflect the fact that record growth has been achieved month on month for virtually two full years now.
Timing is important due to the binary enrolment system favoured by the company developers. In basics it provides rewards for any additional people that enrol below you. These are not necessarily people that you have introduced yourself but those enrolled by those entering before you. I guess that can sound a bit complicated for those unfamiliar with binary reward systems but that is about as complicated as it gets. Simply put, forecasts predict growth of over 5 million members within the next few years based on data from existing results. At 1,100 per day and increasing, who can argue that it looks perfectly feasible.
Now I'm not going to tell you that you must jump on board and set sail the World Ventures way but if you have the slightest urge to be involved with a successful international company that can quite easily provide you with an income for life or guaranteed best value and prices on your holidaying agenda for as long as you care to imagine, I do suggest you do some thorough investigation to check the facts for yourself.
Here's a few links to get you started
Where it all began
Future experiences
Giving Back
It would be great to have you with us.
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
A Controversial View Of Network Marketing Training
Some of you might think I'm over stepping a line a bit here so before I go on I'll ask that you share any issues you may have in the comments below for discussion please.
To begin with I'm not about to slander anybody for providing value to their teams or anybody else for that matter. There is definitely a call for guidance in what works and what doesn't when it comes to marketing your chosen opportunity and I am certainly not going to suggest anybody refrain from seeking out what works. Providing value works.
What I am going to be emphasising is the over dependence that those struggling in the networking industry have in the belief the answer will eventually jump out of that training and grab them. It seldom does.
I was as guilty as the next man at this so I'll do my best to explain.
Hopefully somewhere within your back office or equivalent area there will be detailed instruction on what those achieving success with your opportunity have done to obtain their results. It's standard practice if a company wants any kind of success to provide training so hopefully you've read or watched it all several times over. Still struggling?
On and off-line their are countless good books written by people highly successful within ours and other industries, Eric Worre, Matt Morris and Robert Kiyosaki to name but a few. If you haven't already read any of their material I suggest you go off and do so at your earliest convenience. Follow the leaders.
In truth, reading any of the top titles by those authors should give you all the understanding and information you need to go out and be successful at what you are doing, unlike any other industry network marketing is completely unbiased toward who results can come too but in truth, many who try still struggle. Questionable use of the word try.
What I basically want to say, and you can object with your excuses if you wish is that you simply aren't talking to enough people and those you are speaking to, you're not doing in the right manner. Self Interest.
In essence, if you've done any of the above and are still struggling it's not more training that you need, it's get-up-and-go. If you can't get excited about your product, find out why. Find something that excites you, something that you believe in and something that you know will benefit others. Don't look for quick fixes, get rich quick or this is easy opportunities. The people you recruit into these will want just that and when it doesn't happen or it's not easy, they will be gone or idle for as long as they like.... Wouldn't you?
What you need to do is get out there. Whether it's on or off-line and start providing service and value to your targeted market. Not continuous affiliated links that produce little to no interaction but answers to questions, fixes for (real)problems and the type of thing that your client would be looking for. You've heard it all before haven't you? So what's stopping you?
What is probably stopping you is a lack of faith in the results that emerge. Some will call it fear of failure, some self doubt and others excuses.
If you are truly hoping for success in your network marketing opportunity, develop the attitude to achieve it. Stop being fearful of rejection, stop prejudging the results, stop procrastinating on calling, visiting, mentioning or doing what deep in side you you know you need to do.
What I love about the network marketing industry is the focus on self development. Many seem to think they are two different things but I believe one requires the other and not always in the order that most expect. I've heard it all to often said that I'll do it when I gain the confidence without thought to where that confidence is coming from.
Confidence doesn't come from knowing how to do something, that's understanding. That's why all of the training in the world often isn't enough. Confidence comes from within, whether it's through appraisal, self forgiveness or just getting the job done.
Go out there and be who you want to be without listening to the doubt inside, If you don't get it right, so what, you will feel the benefits of trying, you will feel worthy of reward for your actions, you will gain all of the confidence that you need and the training will all fall into place.
Network marketing is a social business, go out and be sociable. If your success it going to rely on consuming truck loads of training how do you expect your prospect to react to that. They want to see how natural and easily duplicable results can be obtained, we are not sales people, we are personal developers and our first subject is us. Go get your experience, ignore the naysayers, concentrate on positive outcomes and develop the understanding to keep going. The results will come.
I hope you've found that helpful and if you would like further help or advice please feel free to ask. If I can't provide the solution, I work with a selfless team of supporters who probably can.
Have a great day and an amazing future.
To begin with I'm not about to slander anybody for providing value to their teams or anybody else for that matter. There is definitely a call for guidance in what works and what doesn't when it comes to marketing your chosen opportunity and I am certainly not going to suggest anybody refrain from seeking out what works. Providing value works.
What I am going to be emphasising is the over dependence that those struggling in the networking industry have in the belief the answer will eventually jump out of that training and grab them. It seldom does.
I was as guilty as the next man at this so I'll do my best to explain.
Hopefully somewhere within your back office or equivalent area there will be detailed instruction on what those achieving success with your opportunity have done to obtain their results. It's standard practice if a company wants any kind of success to provide training so hopefully you've read or watched it all several times over. Still struggling?
On and off-line their are countless good books written by people highly successful within ours and other industries, Eric Worre, Matt Morris and Robert Kiyosaki to name but a few. If you haven't already read any of their material I suggest you go off and do so at your earliest convenience. Follow the leaders.
In truth, reading any of the top titles by those authors should give you all the understanding and information you need to go out and be successful at what you are doing, unlike any other industry network marketing is completely unbiased toward who results can come too but in truth, many who try still struggle. Questionable use of the word try.
What I basically want to say, and you can object with your excuses if you wish is that you simply aren't talking to enough people and those you are speaking to, you're not doing in the right manner. Self Interest.
In essence, if you've done any of the above and are still struggling it's not more training that you need, it's get-up-and-go. If you can't get excited about your product, find out why. Find something that excites you, something that you believe in and something that you know will benefit others. Don't look for quick fixes, get rich quick or this is easy opportunities. The people you recruit into these will want just that and when it doesn't happen or it's not easy, they will be gone or idle for as long as they like.... Wouldn't you?
What you need to do is get out there. Whether it's on or off-line and start providing service and value to your targeted market. Not continuous affiliated links that produce little to no interaction but answers to questions, fixes for (real)problems and the type of thing that your client would be looking for. You've heard it all before haven't you? So what's stopping you?
What is probably stopping you is a lack of faith in the results that emerge. Some will call it fear of failure, some self doubt and others excuses.
If you are truly hoping for success in your network marketing opportunity, develop the attitude to achieve it. Stop being fearful of rejection, stop prejudging the results, stop procrastinating on calling, visiting, mentioning or doing what deep in side you you know you need to do.
What I love about the network marketing industry is the focus on self development. Many seem to think they are two different things but I believe one requires the other and not always in the order that most expect. I've heard it all to often said that I'll do it when I gain the confidence without thought to where that confidence is coming from.
Confidence doesn't come from knowing how to do something, that's understanding. That's why all of the training in the world often isn't enough. Confidence comes from within, whether it's through appraisal, self forgiveness or just getting the job done.
Go out there and be who you want to be without listening to the doubt inside, If you don't get it right, so what, you will feel the benefits of trying, you will feel worthy of reward for your actions, you will gain all of the confidence that you need and the training will all fall into place.
Network marketing is a social business, go out and be sociable. If your success it going to rely on consuming truck loads of training how do you expect your prospect to react to that. They want to see how natural and easily duplicable results can be obtained, we are not sales people, we are personal developers and our first subject is us. Go get your experience, ignore the naysayers, concentrate on positive outcomes and develop the understanding to keep going. The results will come.
I hope you've found that helpful and if you would like further help or advice please feel free to ask. If I can't provide the solution, I work with a selfless team of supporters who probably can.
Have a great day and an amazing future.
Monday, 21 July 2014
Scepticism About Network Marketing
If you've been involved with network marketing for any amount of time you'll no doubt have come across the sceptics.
On the other hand you may have come across this post because you are sceptical about network marketing and are looking to investigate what side of the coin is actually the right fit.
I think many of you would agree that if we could eradicate the words and knowledge of the understanding of the words pyramid and scam, there would be far fewer arguments. The thing is these words have stuck like glue to a industry that has evolved beyond most peoples recognition as a means to earning an income. I heard this morning that over 80 billion dollars is being paid out to participants within the network marketing industry every year. I don't know about you but that begs the question "How does this not work"?
Take my own story for example, no I'm not going to bore you with the whole thing but just going back twelve months and I was working for a relentless boss who had no concept of the words fair employment. Although our contracted hours were 7.30 until 4.30pm, most evenings it would be 6.30pm+ before our set tasks could be accomplished and the latest I actually finished was 11.15pm. That didn't include my 45 minute drive home either. That in my eye's was a scam. we had a written contract but unless we chose to ignore it and suit his wishes we would undoubtedly have lost our employ.
I had stuck that job many years and each year I would have to say to my daughter "Maybe Next" as I had promised her that we would all be going to Disney Florida as soon as I could afford it.
Thanks to network marketing that employ is now far behind me and we are looking forward to Disney next year. Why not this you may ask? Priorities, my main was to gain freedom from my relentless employer and my second to stabilise our finances. Happily though and because of my chosen opportunity, when it becomes time to go I will be paying far less than I ever expected plus there's also the chance that I could even get paid for going. This post isn't about recruiting into what I'm doing so I'll not go any further with that.
Basically what I am saying though is that I felt backed into a corner. With the state of the economy I could see no exit from my employ so I plucked up the passion to work hard in what time I had and invest it in network marketing.
I'm not saying that all opportunities are equal, they are far from that but there are many that with the right attitude and discipline can and are serving the purpose their members participate for, to earn that additional income.
If scams and pyramids are your best argument against network marketing then take another look. You will find countless people just like you and me who have turned their lives around. Don't necessarily take my word for it, go and ask others. In honesty the biggest disservice you are doing in remaining sceptical is to your self and the future of your loved ones.
Industries, choices and views change, do your self a favour and put your scepticism aside for the sake of self.
As always I am open to comment or objection, I would love to hear your views on network marketing either for or against. Please also feel free to share if you think I've provided value
On the other hand you may have come across this post because you are sceptical about network marketing and are looking to investigate what side of the coin is actually the right fit.
I think many of you would agree that if we could eradicate the words and knowledge of the understanding of the words pyramid and scam, there would be far fewer arguments. The thing is these words have stuck like glue to a industry that has evolved beyond most peoples recognition as a means to earning an income. I heard this morning that over 80 billion dollars is being paid out to participants within the network marketing industry every year. I don't know about you but that begs the question "How does this not work"?
Take my own story for example, no I'm not going to bore you with the whole thing but just going back twelve months and I was working for a relentless boss who had no concept of the words fair employment. Although our contracted hours were 7.30 until 4.30pm, most evenings it would be 6.30pm+ before our set tasks could be accomplished and the latest I actually finished was 11.15pm. That didn't include my 45 minute drive home either. That in my eye's was a scam. we had a written contract but unless we chose to ignore it and suit his wishes we would undoubtedly have lost our employ.
I had stuck that job many years and each year I would have to say to my daughter "Maybe Next" as I had promised her that we would all be going to Disney Florida as soon as I could afford it.
Basically what I am saying though is that I felt backed into a corner. With the state of the economy I could see no exit from my employ so I plucked up the passion to work hard in what time I had and invest it in network marketing.
I'm not saying that all opportunities are equal, they are far from that but there are many that with the right attitude and discipline can and are serving the purpose their members participate for, to earn that additional income.
If scams and pyramids are your best argument against network marketing then take another look. You will find countless people just like you and me who have turned their lives around. Don't necessarily take my word for it, go and ask others. In honesty the biggest disservice you are doing in remaining sceptical is to your self and the future of your loved ones.
Industries, choices and views change, do your self a favour and put your scepticism aside for the sake of self.
As always I am open to comment or objection, I would love to hear your views on network marketing either for or against. Please also feel free to share if you think I've provided value
Sunday, 13 July 2014
Tourism is Changing
Tourism is changing.
I guess a statement like that can cause rather a questionable response, it's not as if they can reproduce a Caribbean cruise in the freezing cold waters of the Antarctic and despite advancements in technology I can't imagine people enjoying virtual holidays in the same way as the real thing. What's actually changing is the availability to travel far more freely whilst receiving far better quality and value and all in all enjoying far better experiences for far less.
Today there is a solution to the time consuming and sometimes stressful searching and booking procedures we endure for the please of obtaining our sought after holidays. A way of removing the risk of scam and fraudulent reservations as reported last year, A solution to affordability issues and removal of the worry associated when booking flights and hotels due to an extremely clever price monitoring system that ensures you always pay the lowest price no matter how many seat or room prices are lowered to fill vacancies.

Back in 2005, a company came into being that was set on introducing a lot more fun, freedom and fulfilment into the lives of everyday people. The vision was formed that stands to reinvent the travel and tourism industry as we know it and it is winning awards for doing so in the process. The company, World Ventures, and to date offering over 700 of their deeply discounted holiday experiences a year and continually growing.
In future posts I'll be covering more of the offerings and advantages of the World Ventures way, for those that wish to investigate further for themselves why not take a look at the World Ventures video presentations here. For those that have any questions please feel free to comment below or if you'd prefer a bit more privacy why not drop me an email.
My aim is to introduce you, not convince or persuade you. My own experiences with World Ventures have all been positive, unlike buying a new television and being pleased with the picture, what we have here can be life changing, I'm not the sort to keep something like that to myself.
To Greater Experiences
I guess a statement like that can cause rather a questionable response, it's not as if they can reproduce a Caribbean cruise in the freezing cold waters of the Antarctic and despite advancements in technology I can't imagine people enjoying virtual holidays in the same way as the real thing. What's actually changing is the availability to travel far more freely whilst receiving far better quality and value and all in all enjoying far better experiences for far less.
Today there is a solution to the time consuming and sometimes stressful searching and booking procedures we endure for the please of obtaining our sought after holidays. A way of removing the risk of scam and fraudulent reservations as reported last year, A solution to affordability issues and removal of the worry associated when booking flights and hotels due to an extremely clever price monitoring system that ensures you always pay the lowest price no matter how many seat or room prices are lowered to fill vacancies.
Back in 2005, a company came into being that was set on introducing a lot more fun, freedom and fulfilment into the lives of everyday people. The vision was formed that stands to reinvent the travel and tourism industry as we know it and it is winning awards for doing so in the process. The company, World Ventures, and to date offering over 700 of their deeply discounted holiday experiences a year and continually growing.
In future posts I'll be covering more of the offerings and advantages of the World Ventures way, for those that wish to investigate further for themselves why not take a look at the World Ventures video presentations here. For those that have any questions please feel free to comment below or if you'd prefer a bit more privacy why not drop me an email.
My aim is to introduce you, not convince or persuade you. My own experiences with World Ventures have all been positive, unlike buying a new television and being pleased with the picture, what we have here can be life changing, I'm not the sort to keep something like that to myself.
To Greater Experiences
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
The Best Start To Your Day
You've more than likely come across what I'm about to suggest before but like any new habit it's not one many of us tend to stick to.
I've lost count of the times I've started this with the intension of seeing it through until it becomes mandatory for me but even now, years later it's still a habit I start and stop.
I'm talking about morning motivation. Whether it be something you read, something you listen to or something visual like a vision board or video, breaking your mind from the normal jumble of thoughts that present themselves to you during your normal waking routine is priceless.
Don't be tempted to say you don't have the time either. How many people have you heard saying that they regret improving their mood? Set your alarm that bit earlier if you need to.
The benefits you'll receive will amaze you. With regular implementation you'll notice all manner of improvements, things like optimism, clearer thinking and decision making, a happier frame of mind and positive steps to achieving your goals.
Give it a go, all you've got to lose is your doubts that it'll work and I don't suppose you value them.
Have an awesome day, make it so.
I've lost count of the times I've started this with the intension of seeing it through until it becomes mandatory for me but even now, years later it's still a habit I start and stop.
I'm talking about morning motivation. Whether it be something you read, something you listen to or something visual like a vision board or video, breaking your mind from the normal jumble of thoughts that present themselves to you during your normal waking routine is priceless.
Don't be tempted to say you don't have the time either. How many people have you heard saying that they regret improving their mood? Set your alarm that bit earlier if you need to.
The benefits you'll receive will amaze you. With regular implementation you'll notice all manner of improvements, things like optimism, clearer thinking and decision making, a happier frame of mind and positive steps to achieving your goals.
Give it a go, all you've got to lose is your doubts that it'll work and I don't suppose you value them.
Have an awesome day, make it so.
posted from Bloggeroid
Monday, 26 May 2014
Getting Started in Direct Selling
Getting Started in Direct Selling - Working From Home
For those breaking into the world of additional incomes working from home, namely internet based sales and marketing, there are quite a few factors that could well be making you hesitant in your progression. On this basis I am going to try to put your fears at ease by pointing out some do's some don't's and some what to look for's. I hope you find this helpful.
Is Direct Selling A Legitimate Industry
When starting out and first mentioning what you are doing to your friends and family, the two most common questions you're likely get asked are "is it a scam or is it a pyramid scheme?" The simple answer to both of these is "NO."
The true fact is, is that the majority of people are looking for something to protect themselves from something they don't fully understand and ideally we are out to help them and not confront them.
Lets Start With Scams
What exactly is a scam? Respond to the question about it being a scam with "What exactly is a scam?" and half the battle is won. Most people will come back at you with a description of trickery and/or deception which would indicate that nobody but a select few will ever make any money from what you are doing. The chances are there are thousands of people who came before you that are already making a living just like you are hoping to do with your chosen opportunity. Grab some testimonials, the names and stories of those most like you, people that have already put their faith in what you are doing and are succeeding. Where does their scam argument take them now?
Pyramid Schemes.
Probably the most common reservation stopping anybody getting involved is the thought of what you are doing being part of a pyramid scheme. This still amuses me as it is another safety shield for lack of understanding. If you're going to tell them that, it may be a good idea to be careful how you put it. Nobody likes to be told they are insecure.
If you look at the model of Direct Selling you will generally see that the payment structure does indeed work on and look like an upside down funnel (a pyramid) but that's about as far as it goes. Pyramids, or the things they are generally referring to were actually outlawed years ago. Some start-ups may actually still try to implement something like this but they are generally soon governed out of existence. Simple take a look at any industry and there will be a few top dogs and an ever increasing number of people right the way down to the person at the bottom. Going back to the upside down funnel however, in Direct Selling there is far more chance for the little guy climbing all the way to the top.
Direct Selling As An Option
If your entry into the work from home industry has been through the Direct Selling Industry then you're onto as secure a path as any. As sales and marketing of virtually any companies goods will show, online sales are on a steady increase month after month. What makes Direct Selling so different is that the company is relying on the work of the individual in order to advertise and retail their wares.
I'm not indicating that you're in for an easy ride though as part of what you are going to come up against is covered in the content above but you're going to have other issues to deal with and one of the most common to overcome is you. I'll be covering that in a future blog post.
As with many of the methods of generating an income online you are going to be up against an ever increasing number of people trying to do the same thing, this should by no means put you off though. There are more than enough people marketing their opportunity without a real clue in what they are doing. Sadly, many of these simply aren't prepared to listen to advice given to them. This is where you can side step a lot of the hurdles if you like and start off by getting it right first time around.
For those of you eager to get it right but wonder if you could be doing better with the right kind of guidance, feel free to get in touch and we can discuss your choices.
PS- Feel free to connect on G+ and I can hook you up to some great free training.
For those breaking into the world of additional incomes working from home, namely internet based sales and marketing, there are quite a few factors that could well be making you hesitant in your progression. On this basis I am going to try to put your fears at ease by pointing out some do's some don't's and some what to look for's. I hope you find this helpful.
Is Direct Selling A Legitimate Industry
When starting out and first mentioning what you are doing to your friends and family, the two most common questions you're likely get asked are "is it a scam or is it a pyramid scheme?" The simple answer to both of these is "NO."
The true fact is, is that the majority of people are looking for something to protect themselves from something they don't fully understand and ideally we are out to help them and not confront them.
Lets Start With Scams
What exactly is a scam? Respond to the question about it being a scam with "What exactly is a scam?" and half the battle is won. Most people will come back at you with a description of trickery and/or deception which would indicate that nobody but a select few will ever make any money from what you are doing. The chances are there are thousands of people who came before you that are already making a living just like you are hoping to do with your chosen opportunity. Grab some testimonials, the names and stories of those most like you, people that have already put their faith in what you are doing and are succeeding. Where does their scam argument take them now?
Pyramid Schemes.
Probably the most common reservation stopping anybody getting involved is the thought of what you are doing being part of a pyramid scheme. This still amuses me as it is another safety shield for lack of understanding. If you're going to tell them that, it may be a good idea to be careful how you put it. Nobody likes to be told they are insecure.
If you look at the model of Direct Selling you will generally see that the payment structure does indeed work on and look like an upside down funnel (a pyramid) but that's about as far as it goes. Pyramids, or the things they are generally referring to were actually outlawed years ago. Some start-ups may actually still try to implement something like this but they are generally soon governed out of existence. Simple take a look at any industry and there will be a few top dogs and an ever increasing number of people right the way down to the person at the bottom. Going back to the upside down funnel however, in Direct Selling there is far more chance for the little guy climbing all the way to the top.
Direct Selling As An Option
If your entry into the work from home industry has been through the Direct Selling Industry then you're onto as secure a path as any. As sales and marketing of virtually any companies goods will show, online sales are on a steady increase month after month. What makes Direct Selling so different is that the company is relying on the work of the individual in order to advertise and retail their wares.
I'm not indicating that you're in for an easy ride though as part of what you are going to come up against is covered in the content above but you're going to have other issues to deal with and one of the most common to overcome is you. I'll be covering that in a future blog post.
As with many of the methods of generating an income online you are going to be up against an ever increasing number of people trying to do the same thing, this should by no means put you off though. There are more than enough people marketing their opportunity without a real clue in what they are doing. Sadly, many of these simply aren't prepared to listen to advice given to them. This is where you can side step a lot of the hurdles if you like and start off by getting it right first time around.
For those of you eager to get it right but wonder if you could be doing better with the right kind of guidance, feel free to get in touch and we can discuss your choices.
PS- Feel free to connect on G+ and I can hook you up to some great free training.
Saturday, 24 May 2014
Trying out blogger app by Przemelek
OK, only the second post on this my new blog and I've decided to download and try an android blogger app to see how blogging on the go - goes.
Ordinarily I would have opted for Googles own application but having read the reviews went directly to the second choice where the first few comments were encouraging as opposed to critical. Somewhat surprising I would say that Googles own isn't top of the picks but then I doubt it bothers them the slightest with everything else they have going on.
I'm not going to know the results as to this app posting successfully but so far everything seems to be working perfectly.
As for functionality there's options to ad images, location or posts previously stored on the SD card, yes it has the option to save posts to there too.

Now, if this has posted successfully you should be seeing a screenshot of the app above. Nothing fancy looking and hopefully as good as the reviews suggest it is.
There is also the option to add tags to my posts which I shall be trialing and a publish tab but if you're looking for a save as draft, I'm assuming it's housed as save to SD.
All in all this has been as easy as writing a text message so if you're wanting to add to your free blogging platform to help build your presence, I'm going to start out by giving Przemelek's blogger app top marks. You can get it for free directly from the play store.
I hope you've found this helpful, to you future successes.
Ordinarily I would have opted for Googles own application but having read the reviews went directly to the second choice where the first few comments were encouraging as opposed to critical. Somewhat surprising I would say that Googles own isn't top of the picks but then I doubt it bothers them the slightest with everything else they have going on.
I'm not going to know the results as to this app posting successfully but so far everything seems to be working perfectly.
As for functionality there's options to ad images, location or posts previously stored on the SD card, yes it has the option to save posts to there too.

Now, if this has posted successfully you should be seeing a screenshot of the app above. Nothing fancy looking and hopefully as good as the reviews suggest it is.
There is also the option to add tags to my posts which I shall be trialing and a publish tab but if you're looking for a save as draft, I'm assuming it's housed as save to SD.
All in all this has been as easy as writing a text message so if you're wanting to add to your free blogging platform to help build your presence, I'm going to start out by giving Przemelek's blogger app top marks. You can get it for free directly from the play store.
I hope you've found this helpful, to you future successes.
What's The Plan Behind My Madness?
Hi All
I've been a blogger for quite a while now posting content on a couple of platforms other than Blogger but due to the kind of help I provide, I've decided to lay them down to rest. Granted there'll be loss of readership from those that regularly interacted with me from those sites but I'm not to worried because just as I've always recommended, we've engaged and connected via social media too.
So What's The Plan Behind My Madness?
I'm always harping on about how the ordinary man or woman can make the changes in their lives without becoming a master at the game. How they can start out with nothing and build it into something to be proud of, even if it's just adding enough to their income to rest easy and sleep better at night. Not every-bodies dream is to be the next top guru is it?
I'm not indicating that people should set their desires at lower levels, but a lot of the time the thought of reaching grand targets can seem so far off - they lack the confidence to even give it a go.
Most people entering the work from home industry do so for the want of money, this obviously results from them having some sort of struggles in that area in the first place.
It's great having all the thrills of personal domains, hosted blogs, websites, landing pages, auto-responders and everything else but the chances are those that are starting out have neither the money, knowledge or inclination to put all of that sort of thing together.
Through this new blog I'm going to be leading by example on how to start with little to nothing and still achieve financial reward/freedom.
Be sure to comment, follow or connect with me, it'd be great to know your thoughts
"You can start with nothing, and out of nothing and out of no way, a way will be made"
Michael Bernard Beckwith
To Your Success
I've been a blogger for quite a while now posting content on a couple of platforms other than Blogger but due to the kind of help I provide, I've decided to lay them down to rest. Granted there'll be loss of readership from those that regularly interacted with me from those sites but I'm not to worried because just as I've always recommended, we've engaged and connected via social media too.
So What's The Plan Behind My Madness?
I'm always harping on about how the ordinary man or woman can make the changes in their lives without becoming a master at the game. How they can start out with nothing and build it into something to be proud of, even if it's just adding enough to their income to rest easy and sleep better at night. Not every-bodies dream is to be the next top guru is it?
I'm not indicating that people should set their desires at lower levels, but a lot of the time the thought of reaching grand targets can seem so far off - they lack the confidence to even give it a go.
Most people entering the work from home industry do so for the want of money, this obviously results from them having some sort of struggles in that area in the first place.
It's great having all the thrills of personal domains, hosted blogs, websites, landing pages, auto-responders and everything else but the chances are those that are starting out have neither the money, knowledge or inclination to put all of that sort of thing together.
Through this new blog I'm going to be leading by example on how to start with little to nothing and still achieve financial reward/freedom.
Be sure to comment, follow or connect with me, it'd be great to know your thoughts
"You can start with nothing, and out of nothing and out of no way, a way will be made"
Michael Bernard Beckwith
To Your Success
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